Pathway To Postgraduate Studies II

MetaDent Academy Anniversary Celebration!
Pathway To Postgraduate Studies II

Date : 05 November 2023 (Sunday)

Venue : MetaDent Academy @ Phileo Damansara 1

Time : 

  • 12.00 pm : MetaDent Anniversary Celebration
  • 2.00 pm : Pathway to Postgraduate Studies Forum

Fees :  FOC

Join us for our MetaDent 1 Year Anniversary and a panel discussion where we will explore options and pathways for dental postgraduate studies in Malaysia! Our panelists will share their experiences securing seats in local and private universities and provide advice to graduates looking to work on necessary requirements before applying.

The panel will have representatives from UK, UITM and UM specialising in different fields.


Our Panellists :

  1. Dr. Aaron Kua Tze Kwong (United Kingdom, Orthodontist)
  2. Dr. Nazrin bin Rosli (UiTM, Restorative Dentistry)
  3. Dr. Paul Leong (UM, Oral Surgery)
  4. Dr. Radhadevi (UK, Forensic Dentistry)

Pathway To Postgraduate Studies II


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